Friday, November 25, 2005

On the Significance of Synchronicity

Well, the big day has come! That's right, on the 9th of December the Chronicles of Narnia begins... and I take off on my trip to London and beyond.

For some people, the significance of the confluence of these two dates may go unnoticed, but the gravity of this period in history is not lost on me.

Narnia became famous in London, England, before finally leaving it's shores to appear in New Zealand (to be made into a film). If you put "Damen" in there instead, and swap England and New Zealand around, it all rings pretty much true. The snow's still there; wardrobes; etc. It all pretty much fits in.

So. If you watch Narnia, remember me, living out it's opposite life on the other side of the world, (possibly providing the balance in this world that allows Narnia to exist). I'll keep you posted on the lions and witches I come across on my travels...

Shit this is crap. I've been in transit for 16 hours, and have another hour to wait before I get on a 13 hour plane to London. Let's look forward to what I write after that trip!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Woodbine Attendant

This is Woodbine Attendant. A one-stop-shop for all of your travel needs whilst in search of Woodbine. I managed to get some girls to dress up in our Woodbine tops and model for us. They're pretty enthusiastic about the whole blog thing, and can't wait to read the latest on my travels, and you should be too

If you haven't come here from the main blog, also visit In Search of Woodbine.